Avaya Client SDK

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Release Avaya Co-Browsing Session Control

Using the SharingServices Package, the Agent can release control of active Avaya Co-Browsing session.

To release Avaya Co-Browsing session control, you must complete the following activities.

  • Register Release Avaya Co-Browsing Session Control Callbacks
  • Release Control

Register Release Avaya Co-Browsing Session Control Callbacks

You must register onSuccess and onFailure callbacks. The onSuccess callback is called to report that the Agent has released control of Avaya Co-Browsing Session.The onFailure callback is called to report a failure in releasing Avaya Co-Browsing session control.

    var onSuccess = function (data) {
        // Called to report agent has released
        // control of Co-Browsing Session
        // Add code here to notify agent 

    var onFailure = function (error) {
        // Called to report failure in 
        // releasing co-browsing session control
        // Add code here to notify agent

Release Control

Call releaseControl() method to release Avaya Co-Browsing Session Control. Agent will be in readonly mode after releasing Avaya Co-Browsing session control. Customer gets notification through callbacks.

    _cbinstance.releaseControl(onSuccess, onFailure);