Avaya Client SDK

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My First Project

If you are new to JavaScript development, start by downloading and installing the IntelliJ IDEA. The Sample App that is provided with this documentation has been built and tested using IntelliJ IDEA and that is why this software is recommended. However, you can use any other IDE which you feel comfortable with.

Running the Sample App for the first time

Once you have IntelliJ IDEA installed on your PC, follow steps below to build and run JavaScript Communication Package Sample Application:

  1. Open the sample project in IntelliJ IDEA through File > Open menu item. From the dialog window select the following project folder: sample\JSCSDKApp
  2. Contrary to the other platforms, JavaScript Sample App do not require any build process.
  3. Open up the index.html file in your desktop browser (preferable Chrome) for running the Sample App.

What to do next...

With the Sample App running on your device and your service configuration details in hand, you are now ready to begin the process of learning how to integrate meeting management features using the Meeting Management Package for JavaScript into your application.

The following is a recommended list of articles to get you started: