Avaya Client SDK

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Monitoring Participant Events

Using the Client SDK, you can easily monitor participant related events in a conference call.

For monitoring events related to the conference Participant (e.g., new participants joining the conference or participants dropping from the conference), you can add the appropiate callbacks.

Implement DataSet change callbacks

To monitor active participants joining or leaving a conference, implement the callbacks for the DataSet. These callbacks are triggered whenever there is a change in the DataSet for the active participants.

var activeParticipants = conference.getActiveParticipants();

activeParticipants.addOnDataSetChangedCallback (function(elementsChanged, changeType) {
       // Called to report that there is a change in the underlying
       // DataSet. DataSetChangeType indicates the type of changes in 
       // the DataSet (i.e., ITEM_ADDED, ITEM_DELETED or ITEM_UPDATED).
       // Add code to update application UI for added/deleted/updated
       // participants.

activeParticipants.addOnDataSetInvalidatedCallback(function () {
       // Called to report the underlying DataSet is no longer valid.
       // Add code to remove all the previous participant information
       // from the UI application.