Avaya Client SDK

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Routing Communications Package Events to Vantage Platform


When a Vantage device is running a telephony application built using the communications package, there are a set of events that can be received from the network by the communications package that need to be addressed to the Vantage platform. The desk phone services package takes care of this automatically without requiring any work in your application.

Event Details

Remote Reboot Requests Handling

When the communications package receives an avaya-ccs-profile message from the network requesting that the endpoint be rebooted, desk phone services broadcasts an Intent with action com.avaya.endpoint.REMOTE_REBOOT to the platform, which causes the device to be rebooted.

Reload Configuration Requests Handling

When the communications package receives an avaya-ccs-profile message from the network requesting that the endpoint reload its configuration, desk phone services broadcasts an Intent with action com.avaya.endpoint.action.RELOAD_CONFIG to the platform, which causes the platform to reload configuration and then potentially trigger a login change.

Registration State Events Handling

It is possible for an endpoint to lose its SIP registration in the network if the limit for the number of concurrent logins for its extension has been reached. When this happens, the communications package will receive a registration state event message from the network indicating that the user has been logged out. Desk phone services will handle this event by broadcasting an Intent with action com.avaya.endpoint.SERVICE_STATE_CHANGE to the platform so that the overall device login state is updated. The application will also receive this event via the usual listener interface from the communications package.

Credentials Challenges Handling

If while a user is logged in, the corresponding authentication credentials have changed in the network (e.g., the user change the password on another device), the communications package can receive an event from the network requiring that the user re-authenticate to continue being logged in. Desk phone services will report this to the platform via a broadcast Intent with action com.avaya.endpoint.SERVICE_STATE_CHANGE, which causes the platform to force the user to re-authenticate (e.g., by prompting for a new password).

Application Override Support

The following is for advanced developer use only, and should only be applied if you are very familiar with the Aura environment and how to handle these events. Breaking them can cause severe problems on Vantage.

The default handling of the first three events here can be disabled via configuration when the desk phone services library is initialized. To do so, create an instance of FeatureControl and set the flags corresponding to each feature to false if you do not want desk phone services to automatically handle that type of event. In this case, it is your responsibility to listen for the appropriate event using the communications package APIs and handle it appropriately. Pass the FeatureControl instance into the library when you are initializing desk phone services.